Installation using pip

You can install MyHDL using pip:

pip install myhdl 

To upgrade an existing installation to the latest version, use:

pip install --upgrade myhdl 

If pip is not yet available on your system, follow the pip installation instructions.

You may want to install MyHDL in an isolated environment using virtualenv.

Installation using distutils

MyHDL uses the standard Python distutils package for distribution and installation. This page contains detailed instructions for installing MyHDL on a typical Linux or Unix system. For other platforms, you have to follow an equivalent procedure. Remember that MyHDL can be installed on any platform that supports Python. For more information about installing on non-Linux platforms such as Windows, read about Installing Python Modules.

To install MyHDL on your system, download the latest release. Untar and unzip the downloaded file:

> tar xvf myhdl-0.9.0.tar.gz
> gunzip myhdl-0.9.0.tar

Go into the release directory:

> cd myhdl-0.9.0

If you have superuser power, you can install MyHDL as follows:

> python install

This will install the package in the appropriate site-wide Python package location.

Otherwise, you can install it in a personal directory, e.g. as follows:

> python install --home=$HOME

In this case, be sure to add the appropriate install dir to the $PYTHONPATH.

If necessary, consult the distutils documentation in the standard Python library for more details.

You can test the proper installation as follows:

> cd myhdl/test/core
> py.test


Co-simulation requires an additional installation step.

To install co-simulation support:

Go to the directory co-simulation/<platform> for your target platform and following the instructions in the README.txt file.